Topanga Mountain School

knowledge naturally

A unique and innovative program that provides for a solid academic foundation in core subjects, inspires a love of learning and cultivates compassionate, well-rounded citizens.

Mountain Movers Volunteer Jobs


Here is a list of all the roles parents fulfill here at TMS. Each family is part of this yearlong journey.  We ask that you choose how you feel best equipped to do your part and sign up at the bottom of this page. 

If you feel nervous by the term Coordinator – don’t worry. We will make sure new parents have a seasoned parent to work with them – so jump straight in!! More than one person can carry a position so if you have someone you want to work with already add both names

We appreciate any new ideas and input, but don’t worry if you just like to follow instructions -  there are guidelines and support for each job.


Yearlong positions:

1.     Hospitality Coordinator

  • Purchase (reimbursable) and set up refreshments for all TMS meetings. 
  • Replenish supplies as necessary.
  • Typical food purchased: Cheese, Crackers, Fruit, and Cookies etc. Tea, Coffee, Soft drinks, Water, Ice
  • Before each event Liz will contact you with expected numbers and requirements.
  • Meetings needed to be catered for: Parent Orientation Meeting, Back to School Night, Enrollment Open Houses (x4), Director’s Teas              

2.     Lunch Coordinator

  • Create sign up for parent lunches.  Make sure all spots are filled.
  • Coordinate Parent catered lunch days (sometimes parents will need to cancel and switches may need to be made).
  • Contact parents to confirm and remind of their dates.
  • Contact office with menu for week.

3.     Parent Mentorship Coordinator

  • Be the cheerleader to ensure community involvement all year long.
  •  Organize families in mentorship relationships.      

4.     Event Photographer

  • Take photographs at each TMS event listed below.
  • If unable to be present, make sure you have someone who will cover.
  • Provide Kristine with photos in a timely manner for use on social media or to archive for yearbook etc.

5.     Event Videographer/Editor

  • Record TMS performance events  (CHE/Drama performances/ possible other occasions)
  • If unable to be present, make sure you have someone who will cover.
  • If possible, edit and prepare finished product and make available to TMS.   If unable to edit, provide footage to TMS for final processing.

6.     One Call Coordinator

One Call is our communication system; literally with “one call” a message can be sent to all parents at once. This is used when we need to change pick up times due to delays when   camping or on field trips or in emergency situations.

  • Enter all parents’ numbers into the system. 
  • Keep updated.
  • Make call if and when instructed by Joy or Liz. (Often we are not in a  position to do it ourselves as we are driving students etc.)


7.     Transportation Manager

  • Upkeep TMS vans by taking them for monthly washes.
  • Take vans to fill with gas for field trips, camping etc.


8.     Storage Unit Manager

Mountain Movers have their own storage unit with everything need to hold events.

  • Manage and maintain unit.
  • Keep up to date inventory
  • Be available to “open” for parents


Event positions:

9.     Family Camping Trip Coordinator

  • Create and manage sign up for potluck items/supplies
  • Coordinate set up/ take down
  • Help coordinate community-building activities.


10.  Camping Support

  • Shop for food before trips (lunch/basics etc.) 
  • Ensure camping equipment is taken home by parents and cleaned at the end of each trip and returned in a timely manner.
  • Keep camping supplies stocked (propane etc.)        


11.  Harvest Festival Chair This is one of our biggest events and yet our smoothest to operate!

  • Chair oversees all other coordinators (see Harvest Festival sign up for specifics).


12.  Silent Auction Chair & Event Chair   Requires two different coordinators (see Silent Auction sign up for specifics.)

  • Organize and oversee event. Coordinate location, catering, activities etc.
  • Organize and oversee Silent Auction.                              


  • 13.  Art Show Coordinator(s) End of first trimester showcase and requires three differentcoordinators
  • Organize crew for mounting and display of artwork as well as set up and take down of show.
  • Coordinate Art Auction (parent and student work.)
  •  Organize sign up for potluck/ set up / take down of party. 


14.  CHE Music Event Coordinator. End of second trimester showcase

  •  Organize refreshment sign up, set up of event, sales, and take down.


15.  Drama Coordinator - The People Speak

  • Coordinate needs with drama department.
  • Create sign up for set up of event, tickets, refreshments, and take down.


16.  Drama Coordinator(s) - End of Year Performance. End of third trimester showcase and requires two different                           coordinators

  • Work with drama department to help procure costumes/sets etc.
  •  Create sign up for set up of event (two nights), tickets, refreshments, and take down.


17.  Graduation and End of Year Party Coordinator. 6th and 7th grade parents only please

  • Coordinate decorations and set up/take down of event.
  • Coordinate sign up for potluck and supplies.



18.  Admissions / Enrollment Coordinator

  • Organize parents to share at Open House/Informational Meetings.
  • Work with school office to welcome and connect with all potential new parents.
  • Invite and welcome potential/newly enrolled parents to TMS events.       


19.  Workshops / Passions Coordinator

  • Find out parent’s passions, talents and interests.
  • Set up meeting and workshops accordingly.








Topanga Mountain School  |  5920 Shoup Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367  |  818.346.8355