Topanga Mountain School

knowledge naturally

A unique and innovative program that provides for a solid academic foundation in core subjects, inspires a love of learning and cultivates compassionate, well-rounded citizens.

Mountain Mail: 9/18/18

Dear Families,

The school year is now truly underway. Students are following their schedules and diving into their academic classes. The energy has shifted from the more collective team building and exploring of the new school year that dominated last week, into a purposeful and focused rhythm.

Now is the time to start asking to see your child’s homework planner and to check in with them about their classes. Your child has their schedule in their binder and this will give you a sense of what to expect when. Things to take note of:

What day does your child have “sports”? Make sure they are wearing the right gear, or have it with them, so they can fully participate.

Once a week classes like Geography and Spanish often need an extra reminder to bring in homework etc.

Remember our schedule only has Monday, Tuesday and Thursday on it. The Wednesday “Mind and Body” schedule which will start on the 26th will be on next week’s MM.

Keep reading there is a lots to cover… but first, here are a few photos of our first full week!

GRATITUDE - a great thing to start and end every day with! Thanks to Steve Ackrich who stealthily came in while we were out hiking on Friday and made our wood patio table look like new!!


Our LUNCH program is underway and Deborah Ackrich provided us with a wonderful repast today. Deborah will cook for us every Tuesday.

The parent provided lunch has now changed to Thursday. Look for a sign up genius from Lori Mellman - thank you Lori for taking this on. Please sign up for your date of choice. If you signed up at Parent Orientation you will need to add your name again and confirm that Thursday works for you.

Follow Up on Kid's’ Brains and Screens

Last night Liz and I attended the talk at New Roads School. We were disappointed in the evening, the speakers were not particularly engaging nor shared any information that we did not already know. As always what we did hear confirmed that we have it right at TMS. However, I do think the conversation about smartphones, games and all things related is a very necessary dialog for the well being of our children and one that we should engage in together. There will be a lot more on this subject in weeks to come.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

There are still some key jobs that we need your help with. Now you have settled down into the school year are you ready to volunteer? We really need to fill our Hospitality as well as a Harvest Festival Chair spots. Maybe call a friend and sign up together. We need you!!

This is also the time when we pick up steam and there is lots of information to share.

Coming up - this week

Wednesday - Tomorrow

NO SCHOOL - Yom Kippur

Thursday - Director’s Tea #1 @ 2pm Room 10

We all the happenings at the beginning of school it seemed logical to move this month’s tea to this week. Please join me (RSVP requested) for a simple get together: afternoon tea, coffee and light refreshment will be served. We can come up with subjects we would like to cover over the year, think of speakers we would like to engage, and generally get up to date on life in school and at home. Subjects already on the table to cover - diet and technology. Parenting isn’t always easy - but it helps when we do it together!!

Friday field trip - The Getty

Drop off and pick up at school. 8:15am and 3:30pm respectively. Please make sure your child has a full water bottle, healthy snacks and packed lunch.

Coming up - next week

I will be out of town from Saturday through Wednesday. I will still be answering emails but school will be in the capable hands of our amazing staff. Please turn to Liz for anything pressing.

Thursday 27 - Friday 28 Camping at Thornhill Broom.

We are so looking forward to our first overnight adventure with this stellar bunch of kids! Look for the email later this week with all the camping information. There will be papers to sign, a packing list and all your questions answered.

Mark your calendars for these October dates

Thursday October 4th @ 7pm - Back to School Night

Sunday October 7th @ 9am - 1st TMS Community Hike - Topanga State Park. Stayed tuned for details!

Thursday October 11th 2pm - Director’s Tea #2 Room 10

Tuesday October 16th - Prospective Parent Orientation 9:30am - Room 10

Monday 22nd - Friday 26 - Camping Montana de Oro






Topanga Mountain School  |  5920 Shoup Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367  |  818.346.8355