Topanga Mountain School

knowledge naturally

A unique and innovative program that provides for a solid academic foundation in core subjects, inspires a love of learning and cultivates compassionate, well-rounded citizens.

Mountain Mail: 9/3/18

Dear Families, 

I hope you all had a wonderfully relaxing weekend and didn't do anything that even vaguely resembled labor!!  

Before we know it Wednesday will be upon us and this school year will start in earnest. If last week is anything to go by I am sure we are going to have loads of fun and lots of great times. Your children came together so seamlessly at beach day, it was really a delight!



I am so glad many of you got an opportunity to get to know each other at Ann and Vince's home. Thank you to that lovely pair for their generosity and graciousness. And added thanks to Deborah Ackrich for leading the fun and games! 

Thanks are also in order to all of you for your patience  on Thursday evening; it is a long winded affair but hopefully many of your questions were answered - and maybe some new ones were generated. Remember, we are always available, don't be afraid to ask if you need any clarifications.

Gratitude is definitely in order for the hardworking crew that showed up ready and willing to get things done on Friday. You really made a difference. Many, many thanks! 

Now lets get to the moment we've all been waiting for, the first week of school!


Please enter school by the gate on Oxnard Street. This is our main entrance for drop off and pick up. The gate on Shoup is locked when school is in session. 

The Oxnard gate will open at 8:00am. 

Circle begins on the patio at 8:15am.

Liz and I will set up a booth by the parking lot and be available to collect forms and answer questions between 8:00 - 8:15am.  

Please remember - bring all completed forms with you that morning. We need to compile emergency packets before we take your child out and about on Thursday.

Students should not bring any of their school supplies until Tuesday 11th. 


Topanga: Andrew will start carpool Wednesday. Meet at Pine Tree Circle outside Waterlily, carpool departs at 7:50am with a stop at Santa Maria road at 7:55am. Many of you may prefer to take your child to the first day - and that is fine. We will formalize, collect payments and confirm spots later. You won't lose your spot if you don't use it on this first day. 

Valley: Katie will not run carpool this Wednesday but will start on Thursday. She will be writing to those interested to define pick up locations and times. 

Lunch Program

We will NOT be serving a hot lunch for these first three days of school. Please make sure your child brings a good lunch from home, snacks and their full water bottle.

Lunch program will begin  on Tuesday 11th and lunch cards can be purchased from the office:     10 meals = $100.  Cards will be kept at school and punched as used. 

First Three Days

These first three days of school are spent getting to know each other and our environment. This is an important time as we set the tone for the school year and get the children comfortable with each other, their teachers and our program. 


We will be on campus all day. Scavenger hunt, map making, teacher interviews and portraits and lots of other good fun! Pick up at 3:30pm.


We will be exploring some of our often frequented haunts in Topanga and Woodland Hills.  We will end our day at Warner Ranch Park, Woodland Hills at the corner of Califa and Owensmouth. Califa runs between Topanga Canyon Blvd and Canoga. Owensmouth runs parallel and between them. 

Please pick your child up at Warner Ranch Park at 3:30pm.  

Students will purchase their TAP cards ready to ride the Metro the next day, If your child has one have them bring it with them. Each student needs $5 so that they can load their card.


We head out to experience the delights of LA's public transport system and explore downtown LA. 

Drop off is early at Warner Ranch Park at 8:00am (Thursday is a good trial run!) We take the Metro from the transit center on Owensmouth. The early start is necessary in order to make our connections in time. 

Students may bring money (max $20) to buy lunch - or they can bring their own packed lunch. They will not be allowed to spend money on anything other than lunch.

Pick up is at Warner Ranch Park at 4:00pm. (Extend time is needed in order to make our day). 

Please make sure your child has a full water bottle, good footwear, light weight clothing, sunscreen/hat etc. 

Peace ~ Joy






Topanga Mountain School  |  5920 Shoup Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367  |  818.346.8355