Topanga Mountain School

knowledge naturally

A unique and innovative program that provides for a solid academic foundation in core subjects, inspires a love of learning and cultivates compassionate, well-rounded citizens.

Mountain Mail 2/28/19

Dear Parents, 

I’m feeling profoundly connected to my English roots at the moment as, once again, I find myself discussing the weather!! They say a good British conversation about the weather has in fact a deeper significance and is really an insight into the person’s state of being. Be that the case or not, the weather has been a major consideration of recent weeks and continues to be a deciding factor in what we do on Wednesdays and Fridays and how we handle other outdoor activities. We are having to respond to the weather as it shifts, day to day - it really does feel like living in England!  And yes, I am a little drizzly and grey and could use some brightening up myself.

So here is how it stands as of now.....

Friday 3/1 - Hike

Tomorrow our plan is to hike one of my favorite local trails, the Mishe Mokwa Trail to Sandstone Peak, the highest point in the Santa Monica Mountains. This is a beautiful inspiring trail that provides for many different experiences within the one loop. 

We will be setting off collectively from school and returning there afterwards. Please drop off and pick up at school 8:15 and 3:30 respectively. 

It is a full day's hike. Please make sure your child has an energy inducing snack, a healthy packed lunch, 2 full water bottles - and of course the ever important, good hiking footwear. Tomorrow a rain-shell might also be a good idea :) 

Community Hike - Sunday 3/3

Cancelled - it does seem that the weekend will have consistent rain and once again we will have to push our plans. Stay tuned for a new date. 

Upcoming in March

Fundraising Breakfast - Wednesday March 13th 
I hope you have all received your invitation to our first ever Fundraising Breakfast at Topanga Table. We are so grateful to Sebastian's family (William and Jessie) for their generosity. Topanga Table is truly a Topanga treasure and an absolute treat for delicious, carefully sourced food. The atmosphere is wonderful and a perfect compliment to the heart and spirit of TMS. 

We hope you can join us, and we also hope you take the time to show your support through a financial donation.

This year we have chosen not to have the labor intensive silent auction or other more traditional fundraising efforts. Instead we would like to come together to thank you, celebrate TMS, and make the act of raising much needed funds as easy as taking out your pen and check book, or pressing a button on line.

This invite has gone out to our greater community, but we would like to encourage you to send the donation link to grandparents, family members and friends who you feel would be willing to give. Every donation, from $20 to $20,000, makes a difference. Whatever the size, the show of support is greatly appreciated. 

Coffee House Music and Dance Showcase- Friday March 22nd Save the Date. Details to follow. We are still looking for the ideal location... if you have any ideas send them my way!


There is a particular core group of children at school that love to play basketball - and they are good! They play at every opportunity.

In the past we had a TMS basketball team and I would love to do this again. I am looking into us joining a small charter school league so that we can actually play real games. But the missing factor is a coach or two!!

Last time we had a couple of passionate parents who took on the team. Practices were largely after school and we all turned out to cheer and support at games. 

Could you be one of our new coaches? Don't be shy!!

I'm determined to get this going and I need your help and support.

More Fun Photos

TMS students out and about enjoying our beautiful lush green mountains!

And here are some extra Grammy Museum pics that didn’t make it into last week’s gallery!






Topanga Mountain School  |  5920 Shoup Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367  |  818.346.8355