Topanga Mountain School

knowledge naturally

A unique and innovative program that provides for a solid academic foundation in core subjects, inspires a love of learning and cultivates compassionate, well-rounded citizens.

Mountain Mail: 3/26/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a restful weekend after all our excitement on Friday night. It was such a pleasure to see so many of you. Thank you all for contributing to the fun - selling goodies and tickets and providing all the delicious food. And thank you to Cheryl and Max (Nate’s parents) for organizing and to Caitlin and Josh (Will’s parents) for donating all the wine we consumed! These are really tangible ways in which you help support and make our program possible.

And thank you for your lovely children who were so willing to put themselves out there, raw and unfiltered. In this age of mediated messages it is a wondrous thing to see such vulnerability and honesty. They may not quite grasp that yet, but they are brave and beautiful and for that I am very grateful. Working day in and out with that authenticity is an honor. And it is what I love about TMS. We are such an eclectic bunch and all of us need to be - and are - accepted and celebrated.

I have very few pictures, but I am hoping you may all have some stills and footage. If you have please stop by my office and airdrop them to me, or send in an email, or on a flash drive with your child. I will post when I have a collection to share. For now here is a few I took.

This week and next

We are now into our special two week unit about Man’s Relationship with Nature. The students are spending time out and about observing and noting ecological succession and the effects of wild fires and the landscape at certain stages of regrowth. They are learning about Taoism, and analyzing Mary Poppins as well as reading from Emerson, Muir and Thoreau while they are in nature itself. Our upcoming camping trip is an extension of this unit and we will be continuing to explore these themes as we enjoy the delights of the Santa Barbara back country, a place that has seen it own share of ecological changes due to fires and erosion over the last several years.

Tomorrow - Wednesday

Drop off and pick up at school at normal times 8:15am and 3:10pm respectively (carpools as usual). Students will be heading out to the San Gabriel Mountains to Vetter Mountain Outlook as part of their studies. Please make sure your child has snacks, packed lunch, full water bottles and hiking footwear.


Students will be on campus all day (ask them over dinner to explain how Mary Poppins and Taoism relate). In the morning they will also be taking their Math Final. Please check in with them to make sure they have been studying and are prepared!


We will be heading out to Point Mugu for further field observations. Students will need snacks, a packed lunch full water bottles and appropriate footwear (they will be in the canyon and at the beach).

Drop off at school at 8:15 or at Pine Tree Circle at 9:00am

Pick up at Pine Tree Circle at 3:15pm and at school at 3:30pm.

Monday April 1st

NO SCHOOL Cesar Chavez Day

Tuesday April 2nd - Friday 5th - Camping-Sage Hill, Santa Barbara

On Tuesday morning we are off on our Spring camping trip and the second week of our special unit. I am hopeful after all this rain we will find green hills, as well as the creek and our favorite swimming spots full of water!! I am so looking forward to spending this time in nature with your children.

Please find the Informational letter and packing list HERE and the Release Form HERE.

Please return the release along with your payment to the school office.

Monday April 8th - Friday April 19 - NO SCHOOL Spring Break

School resumes Monday April 22nd.

Happy Days!!


Mountain Mail 3/14/19

Dear Parents,

Yesterday we had a wonderful morning as members of our extended family - current parents, past parents, alumni students and community friends - came together to show their support for our school and partake in our thank you breakfast. It was such a pleasure to witness old friends reconnecting and new friendships being forged.

We are eternally grateful to William and Jessie (Sebastian’s parents) for opening their restaurant and preparing such a delicious spread for TMS. Please show your support of them by making Topanga Table your go to lunch and breakfast spot - I can highly recommend it!!

It was also a perfect opportunity to raise much needed funds for our school. We are so grateful to all of you for stepping up and donating. Thank you! Thank you! We have had a great response with an 85% participation from our current parents - BUT I would love to make that 100% before we put this fundraiser to bed. It is so not about the amount, but about the intent. If you have yet to donate please take the time to do so now, how ever much you can afford. Thank you.

We were sorry that not all of you could make it on a weekday morning, but we intend to follow up with an evening fundraiser later in the year, this time with wine and hors d'oeuvres. I think everyone who has worked a typical fundraising event will agree that getting together like this is much more fun!

Other news

We have another new student!! Welcome to Adugna and his parents Kathleen and David. So happy to have you all as part of the TMS family. Liz will send out an updated roster next week.

Coming up - this week and beyond

Friday - Tomorrow

Students will be splitting their time between music on campus and rock climbing/hiking at Saddle Peak.

  • Drop off and pick up at regular time at school, 8:15 and 3:30. (Carpools as usual.)

  • All students should have appropriate footwear - they know what that is - as well as snacks, packed lunch and full water bottle.

  • Students should also bring their musical instruments.

Friday March 22nd - Coffee House Music Performance Class Act Musical Theatre - 5345 Wilhelmina Ave Woodland Hills. Doors open at 6:30pm and curtain up at 7:00pm.

Every year we culminate our music trimester as the kids bring music they have learned at school to the stage. This year we originally planned to have the event at an outside venue, but with the evenings still so cold we have struggled to know how to handle it. Now we have finally decided - and warmth wins out! We are bringing the event indoors. So….

Please join us for a fun night of entertainment and community at Class Act Musical Theatre! Drinks, light appetizers and desserts will be available for purchase before the show and during intermission.

Please look out for a Sign up Genius asking for your contribution of desserts as well as help manning the door and the concessions. Max and Cheryl Cambras are our go to parents for this event. Thank you both for taking thi

Tuesday March 26th - Dress Up as your Parent Day

It has been a while since we had a Spirit Day at school, but now the sun is out it is time for us to have some fun. We have asked the kids to come as one of their parents - so don’t be surprised if your wardrobe is ransacked!! Parents, you may dress up as your kids too. Either show up at school as a pair or send in a photo of you both together. Prize for the best child /parent swap!!

Monday April 1st - Cesar Chavez Day NO SCHOOL

Tuesday April 2nd - 5th - Spring Camping and Science Field Study. Sage Hill Campground, Santa Barbara. Details to follow closer to date.

Monday April 8th - Friday 19th - Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

Photos of our week

Enjoying our Breadwinner inspired feasts!

Enjoying the great outdoors!

Building a Picnic Bench!

Mountain Mail 3/11/19

Dear Parents,

Suddenly we are on a count down to a very busy next few weeks!

This Wednesday 13th is our Fundraising Breakfast. I am jumping straight in to this as we need to talk turkey.

  • First of all - are you coming? We need a final count. Please go to your evite and let us know.

  • Secondly, this is our only fundraiser for the school year. In past years we have asked our parents to give not only money but a serious time and energy commitment. Many of you know what a silent auction and dinner can entail: getting items to auction, selling tickets to attend as well as raffle tickets and then actually spending money buying those same items back at the event. This year we decided to keep it simple - for you.

  • All you need to do is write a check or donate HERE.

  • Our goal is to raise $30,000 with this drive. We need everyone of you to make this happen.

  • So far we have raised only $3375 through evite + $2080 directly from our website (and $2000 of this is from a single donation). We are so grateful to those of you who have contributed but as you can see this falls seriously short of the money we need to stay solvent this year.

  • TMS prides its self on its homegrown sustainability, but monies raised through fundraising events and family donations are vital to that sustainability. This year we are struggling to meet our budgetary requirements. We have had very little opportunity to come together to raise money; our other main event, the Harvest Festival, was cancelled because of the fires. This is it. Please do your part.

  • Not only donate yourself but approach grandparents and family members who recognize the difference that TMS has made in your lives and ask them to give.

  • Most private schools offer less experiences for a lot more money. Your donation is acknowledgment that you value what we do and the education you have chosen for your children.

Thank you.

now take a look at what we have been up to over this last couple of weeks…….

Hiking the Mishe Mokwa Trail: Echo Cliffs and Sandstone Peak

Malibu Creek State Park - GREEN AND Awash with water!!

More mountain biking pics - obviously the place Katie takes her camera out the most!!

And it does seem that standing on desks is a large part of our pedagogy….

More photos of Tasty Tuesday!

Mountain Mail 2/28/19

Dear Parents, 

I’m feeling profoundly connected to my English roots at the moment as, once again, I find myself discussing the weather!! They say a good British conversation about the weather has in fact a deeper significance and is really an insight into the person’s state of being. Be that the case or not, the weather has been a major consideration of recent weeks and continues to be a deciding factor in what we do on Wednesdays and Fridays and how we handle other outdoor activities. We are having to respond to the weather as it shifts, day to day - it really does feel like living in England!  And yes, I am a little drizzly and grey and could use some brightening up myself.

So here is how it stands as of now.....

Friday 3/1 - Hike

Tomorrow our plan is to hike one of my favorite local trails, the Mishe Mokwa Trail to Sandstone Peak, the highest point in the Santa Monica Mountains. This is a beautiful inspiring trail that provides for many different experiences within the one loop. 

We will be setting off collectively from school and returning there afterwards. Please drop off and pick up at school 8:15 and 3:30 respectively. 

It is a full day's hike. Please make sure your child has an energy inducing snack, a healthy packed lunch, 2 full water bottles - and of course the ever important, good hiking footwear. Tomorrow a rain-shell might also be a good idea :) 

Community Hike - Sunday 3/3

Cancelled - it does seem that the weekend will have consistent rain and once again we will have to push our plans. Stay tuned for a new date. 

Upcoming in March

Fundraising Breakfast - Wednesday March 13th 
I hope you have all received your invitation to our first ever Fundraising Breakfast at Topanga Table. We are so grateful to Sebastian's family (William and Jessie) for their generosity. Topanga Table is truly a Topanga treasure and an absolute treat for delicious, carefully sourced food. The atmosphere is wonderful and a perfect compliment to the heart and spirit of TMS. 

We hope you can join us, and we also hope you take the time to show your support through a financial donation.

This year we have chosen not to have the labor intensive silent auction or other more traditional fundraising efforts. Instead we would like to come together to thank you, celebrate TMS, and make the act of raising much needed funds as easy as taking out your pen and check book, or pressing a button on line.

This invite has gone out to our greater community, but we would like to encourage you to send the donation link to grandparents, family members and friends who you feel would be willing to give. Every donation, from $20 to $20,000, makes a difference. Whatever the size, the show of support is greatly appreciated. 

Coffee House Music and Dance Showcase- Friday March 22nd Save the Date. Details to follow. We are still looking for the ideal location... if you have any ideas send them my way!


There is a particular core group of children at school that love to play basketball - and they are good! They play at every opportunity.

In the past we had a TMS basketball team and I would love to do this again. I am looking into us joining a small charter school league so that we can actually play real games. But the missing factor is a coach or two!!

Last time we had a couple of passionate parents who took on the team. Practices were largely after school and we all turned out to cheer and support at games. 

Could you be one of our new coaches? Don't be shy!!

I'm determined to get this going and I need your help and support.

More Fun Photos

TMS students out and about enjoying our beautiful lush green mountains!

And here are some extra Grammy Museum pics that didn’t make it into last week’s gallery!

Mountain Mail 2/19/19

So much has happened in February already. I’m glad it is a short month. Despite some happy times it is also proving challenging and heartbreaking in so many ways.

For our returning parents you will have already received my email regarding the death of our friend and fellow parent, Amy Lichtenstein. Amy’s son Ben graduated from TMS last year. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family, husband Steve, Ben, and daughter, Ali.

Please see the schedule for Friday as the whole staff wishes to support the family and pay their final respects at the memorial that afternoon. The service will be at Mt. Sinai in Simi Valley at 2:00 pm.

February started though with a inspired and thoughtful trip to the Museum of Tolerance where the children showed once again their ability to connect and reflect on such an important subject. As usual, we heard wonderful feedback from the Museum on the demeanor and respect of our student body. Always a proud moment.

The rain continued to throw a few wrenches in our Wednesday and Friday plans, but hopefully these blue skies will stay with us and we can return to a more predictable rhythm. You may even know what we are doing in advance!

This week

This Wednesday we will be back on the Mesa so please drop off at school at 8:15am or at Pine Tree at 8:40am or directly at the Mesa at 8:50am. Pick up at school at 3:30pm - cooking class participants at 4:00pm

This Friday Half Day. Please pick up your child at 12 noon. Thank you for understanding.


The weather may be starting to cooperate but unfortunately we are kind of a man down…..

Kristine broke her foot last Friday and it needs a lot of tender loving care to avoid surgery. Despite her ever cheery persona and the bag of peas, it is still a major break.

Kristine will teach most of her classes, but she is obviously out of commission for Wednesdays and Fridays and, if it proves too taxing, other days as well. Kristine will need driving everywhere and will be limited in much that she can do.

Your patience and help will be gratefully appreciated.

Valentine’s Dance

Our Valentine’s Dance was a resounding success. Having been at all of them over the years, this one particularly struck me with its sense of collectiveness. Everyone truly had a great time.

A huge thank you for actually making the night run like a charm and ensuring the kids had so much fun, must go to Tate Ammons (Jack’s dad). Tate did a masterful job as the DJ!! Thanks for pulling together the music and being the one adult who really got the full experience with our kids.

Thank you and Valentine’s love to those wonderful women who organized the whole thing. Wendy Hecht, Wendy Rissman and Anne Lombardo! They led the charge with their team of trusty helpers: Steve Ackrich and his magical photo booth, Vince Lombardo, Sharon Barkan, Stephanie Tavelman, Kathy Gordon, Cindy Hitchcock, and Shannon Meyers (who came with two can-do guys in tow!) and my personal valentine, Antonio. We had a host of great chaperones too, thank you Frank Tavelman, AJ and Lesley Webster, Sue Palmeri, and our newest addition to the TMS family, Marc and Blossom Shores. Thank you Blossom for all the photos below, no easy task! Finally always deep appreciation for Cindy and Bobby Espinoza, clean up aficionados. Bobby stays until the last light is turned off and the last door is locked.

Truly incredible team work… thank you

New Family Members

As I mentioned we have a new family at TMS! Welcome Sienna and her parents, Marc and Blossom. We are so happy to have you as part of the TMS family. And so glad you got to meet many of your fellow parents on Thursday night.

TMS students doing their thing!!

Despite the rain, there were some opportunities to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.

Here are some snaps of Mountain Biking and three “the rain won’t stop us” funster at Malibu Creek State Park.

Another clear and fabulous LA day included a trip to the Griffith Observatory - on James Dean’s birthday no less!

And finally, here is Marcelle’s class showing us math in action. They are so proud!!

Happenings in our Community


This Saturday Cecilie (our dance teacher) has an event for her non-profit, Move The World.

Always lots of fun, especially if the Valentine’s Dance got you in the mood!!

Mountain Mail: 1/30/19

Dear Friends.

We’re back! It was a busy start to the new year and it is hard to believe we are already at the end of January!

At school we are now settling into the rhythm of our music trimester; as I type the sound of drumming is all around me… Every student is taking three core classes: performance, dance and music history and appreciation. They have also chosen from a variety of classes to take as electives: ukulele, piano, drumming, vocals, songwriting, and electronic music! We look forward to hearing what they come up with as the weeks unfold.

We also have other electives rounding out this trimester; on Monday and Tuesday you will find students in either sewing, knitting, drawing, creative writing, cooking or woodwork. Campus is a busy place!! Stayed tuned for photos of all the happenings in future MMs.

January saw our Navigation Unit, our trip to the snow at Angelus Oaks, more great lunches, and my birthday!!

Hope you enjoy this visual ride through the month….

Read all the way to the end for important dates and Friday’s field trip.

IMG_0612 2.JPG

Beautiful offerings from our parents…..

Wendy (Aubrey’s mom) (along with her chickens) makes eggs a work of art! They taste incredible too.

Deborah, whose Tuesday lunch fare is so well loved and received, (your kids are eating heartily and healthily) is making fresh pasture-raised bone broth with organic veggies and Himalayan pink salt.

$10/quart - And all proceeds go back into the TMS lunch program! Its a win win!!


The first two weeks of January saw us immersed in navigation. Students spent their mornings planning and learning and the afternoons executing their skills. And we didn’t lose anyone!






Drop off and pick up at school, regular times. Carpools as usual. Packed lunch, water bottles and appropriate attire.


Message from our Wendy and Wendy… This is a supervised, parent run dance.  Students can bring friends but we do ask for them to get approval first and provide a signed waiver for any non TMS student attending.  Last year's dance was great fun...let's make this 2019 Valentine's Day Dance unforgettable!  Your organizers this year are Wendy Hecht and Wendy Rissman.  We would so appreciate your participation to help us make this dance a success.  


We need volunteers for:

Chaperones  (5) dress warmly as we will be outside much of the time

Decorators for setup (4) please begin at 3:30 p.m., some heavy table lifting

Sound system setup (1)

Clean up crew (4) which will begin at 9:00 sharp, more heavy table lifting

Please contact Wendy Rissman at to sign up

School dismissal on February 14th is as usual at 3:30 p.m.  Since the party begins at 7 p.m., please feed your kids dinner prior.  Snacks and treats will be available at the dance.  The students can dress in their nicest attire.  Tickets are $15.00 which will cover all costs.  Please remit by February 7th.  Thanks so much!







Christina Sibul… alumni parent has just produced this movie…


I was wondering if I could invite the TMS kids to a test screening of a movie I just produced. It's a rough cut, but we're looking for feedback from teenagers to help us figure out what plays and what doesn't. It has some pretty severe issues addressed in it -- bullying, teen obesity, depression and suicide, but the movie is mostly comedic in tone (there is a suicide attempt portrayed in it though). The movie is unrated, but is a safe PG-13 -- no nudity, no real swearing.  It's adapted from a Young Adult Novel by the same name BUTTER, by Erin Jade Lange, and here's the brief plot of the movie: A lonely obese teenager everyone calls "Butter" is about to make history. He is going to eat himself to death, live on the Internet, and everyone is invited to watch. When he first makes the announcement online to his classmates, Butter expects pity, insults, and possibly sheer indifference. What he gets are cheerleaders rallying around his deadly plan. Yet as their dark encouragement grows, it begins to feel a lot like popularity. And that feels good. But what happens when Butter reaches his suicide deadline? Can he live with the fallout if he doesn't go through with his plans?

kid power.png

And for our younger students….. from our friend Peter Alsop.

Mountain Mail: 1/8/19

Hi everyone – we’re back!!

I hope that everyone had a restorative winter break. This year the theme for many seemed to be to keep things simple, including myself. My time was spent relaxing at home with a brief four day Christmas celebration in San Francisco. I have reached that wonderful (st)age where I am now hosted by my own children and get to experience, once again, the joy of a Christmas with small (grand)children still full of believe and wonder.

Art Show and End of Year Party

Our own end of the year TMS celebration and the Art Show set the stage wonderfully for this joyous holiday season. It was such a pleasure to come together as a community, something we have had little chance to do this year. The students created an inspiring art show/workshop. Thank you Kristine for, as always, elevating and generating real conversation and action around the medium, as well as providing the space and guidance for the children to produce such stunning thoughtful art.

Thanks to all of you for bringing great food and great energy. Thanks to Lori Mellman for always making sure the party happens and shepherding us all along.  Special thanks to Geoff Seelinger and John Coy for supporting Kristine in curating the show. Thanks to Lise Lauer for making the place look so festive and to Angela Lindvall for helping her with the set up. Thanks to Cindy Hitchcock and Bobby Espinoza for always cleaning up and making the end of the day an easy one for us, and once again to Geoff for staying with me to the bitter end.  And thanks of course to Liz who is there through out making sure it all gets done.

Finally, the biggest gratitude to all of you for honoring the work the staff has done this year with your kind words and your incredibly generous gifts. Thank you, thank you.


2019!! Happy New Year!!

It has been great to get back to school. This two weeks leading up to our trip to Big Bear the students are engaged in a special unit on Awareness and Navigation. I hope you have all had a chance to check out the booklet for the unit. The children are spending a great deal of time outside and are off campus most days doing field work relating to what they have been learning in the classroom.  

Tomorrow, Wednesday will be a full day hike (Calabasas Peak)

as will Friday (Stage Coach Trail, Simi Valley).

Please make sure your child has a couple of full water bottles, snacks, a good packed lunch and of course appropriate footwear and clothing for both days.

Drop off and pick up all week is at school at 8:15 and 3:30 respectively (regular carpools).

Here are some photos from our first week back….

Big Bear Winter Retreat!

On Wednesday the 16th we will head off on our adventure in the snow – and there will be a ton of it!!

This is a very different kind of trip for us. Instead of rolling out our vans we rent a bus to take us collectively, instead of sleeping in the open air we stay in warm cozy cabins and instead of cooking all our own food we get fabulously well fed by the staff at Alpine Meadows.

We spend our time playing in the snow, sledding, building snowmen, having snowball fights and we get to adventure on a rock climbing and high ropes course. In the evenings we gather around the fire playing games. All of this made even more exciting when done in exquisite flurries of snow. Truly a magical trip.

Please make sure your child comes well equipped to enjoy the snow. Being dry and warm makes all the difference. Water proof pants and boots are essential.

I know not everyone has all the gear – but maybe we could help each other out? If you have items to share I would love to hear from you. If you desperately need something let me know. Hopefully I can do some match making.

All the information for the trip can be found here.

Letter with cost and logistics.

A packing list.

Release - Please sign and return

Mark Your Calendar:

Thursday Jan 9th Director’s Tea – Room 10. Please RSVP

Sunday February 3rd Monthly Community Hike. Nike Missile Hike, Reseda

Monday 21st – NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr Day.

Other things to know….

No Study Hall next Tuesday.

Check out the video on the “Our School” page of the website.

Mountain Mail: 12/17/18

Dear Friends,

Here we are in the last school days of the calendar year. Despite all the challenges of this last month we made it! As this year comes to a close another year full of its own adventures will be waiting for us! Bring it on 2019!!

My last epic Mountain Mail never made it to the page and instead this photo heavy montage will tell the story. I am looking forward to seeing you all Wednesday where I can thank you all in person for all you do.

Wednesday - our last day of school for 2018!!

During the day student will be at campus full of festive spirit. There is no mesa so regular times and school carpool hours apply for Topanga.

Gift Exchange ~ Students will also exchange gifts. Please make sure your child remembers to bring theirs so everyone has one. Presents should be wrapped and then placed in plain old bags so we can't see who shows up with which. Remind your child not to write their your own name on the gift. A huge part of the fun is guessing who brought it for you!!

Wednesday evening: Art Show and Holiday Party ~ 6pm onwards

Canoga Park Youth Art Center ~ 7222 Remmet Avenue, Canoga Park. 

I hope you all have received the Potluck Sign-up Genius from Lori and have added your name. The art show and party is a lovely way to round out the calendar year. So looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Winter Break: Thurs Dec. 19th - Wed Jan. 2nd.

School resumes Thursday January 3rd.

The last couple of weeks in photos…..

Friday: Hammer Museum and The Fowler!

Plenty of rainy lunch time fun - inside and outside!! Jumping in puddles, dancing in the rain, board games, cards and puzzles!!

Delicious food - a perfect lunch for warming hearts and feeding bodies!!

Community Potluck - such a great time!!

So grateful for such GENEROSITY.

Thank you for your gifts to give back and your spirit to uplift.

Final Wednesday on the Mesa - Toasting with our mugs we made in ceramics

Final friday: annenberg space for photography

Well candid TMS photo taking wasn’t happening at this exhibit - but everyone took a photo kissing their favorite animal. Ask your child to show you theirs - they all sent them to their gmails. We’ll finish off with a picture of our lovely Liz and a hippo!

Mountain Mail: 12/4/18

Hi Everyone,

Happy Hanukkah to our celebrants. I hope the flames of the holiday are shining brightly for you and continue to shed even greater brilliance as the week unfolds.

Today we got in the spirit at school as Deborah had prepared a delicious, traditional Hanukkah feast. Thanks to her and Wendy Hecht (Aubrey’s mom) for the festive repast!!

Today we also had prospective parents visit the school for an open house. More thanks are in order to our parents who made sure we had great refreshments on hand - thank you to Kathy (Trevor’s mom) and Caitlin (Will’s mom). And to those parent’s who came to talk about their TMS experience - thanks again to Caitlin, Geoff (Gwyneth’s dad), Cindy (Max’s mom) and Laurel (Finn’s mom). It is always inspiring to share what we do at TMS with others and especially to hear our teacher’s so eloquently explain the richness of the program.

This upcoming week we are preparing for more weather! The rain has already brought a lushness that has transformed our local hills. Thankfully, last week the students were able to fit in a hike to Eagle Rock and enjoy the beauty that only this time of year can bring. Here are some photos of the day.

We also started this week with our 5K. Not too many images but a few to mark the occasion!

And some of sports on the field and art on the patio thrown in for good measure!!


Wednesday - tomorrow - Rain stops play.
We are canceling our classes on the mesa, all except Ceramics which we will transport the students to from school, one class at a time.

All students should come to school for 8:15am start. Regular weekly carpool times apply.

Friday - The Hammer Museum, UCLA and The Fowler

Packed lunch, snacks, water bottle and appropriate attire needed.

Drop off and pick up at school normal times.

Saturday - Please come!!!!




TMS - SATURDAY DECEMBER 8TH - 11:30 - 2:30

Bring something to share and we’ll supply the plates, cups and utensils Main dishes, desserts and drinks needed. Lets see if we can do this without a sign up. Simple and easy.

We’ll throw in some music and games and enjoy each other’s company.

We also ask that you bring something to donate to a family in need. New or lightly used: a toy for Christmas or Hanukah, toiletries. clothes, shoes….

RSVP to appreciated.


Student Gift Exchange

Your child may have come home taking about “Secret Santa” and you may be wondering what this is all about! On our last school day of the calendar year we traditionally celebrate with a gift exchange. (Once again apology for the moniker - still waiting for suggestions for a good alternative!) 

In this gift exchange students secretly pull each other’s names from a bag and then gift that particular student. Gifts can be homemade or bought but there is a $15 limit and it is more about the thought and effort that goes into it than anything else.  They should know who they are gifting tomorrow - please help them keep it a secret, its the best part of the fun!!

Friday 14th - Annenberg Space for Photography

Always such a treat to go to their exhibits - this time National Geographic’s PhotoArk.

Wednesday 19th - Art Show and Holiday Party

Canoga Park Youth Arts Center 6pm - 10pm. Such a great way to celebrate before we all head in different directions for the holidays.

Winter Break

Thursday December 20th - Wednesday January 2nd - school resumes Thursday January 3rd.

Hawaii Vacation Photos and Information

Here are some photos of the main house and the bay. I don’t have any interior of the studio but it is the tall house on the beach to the right in the last photo. If I get any I will upload here and let you know.

The main house sleeps a maximum of six plus a child under 4. The studio sleeps two adults (not recommended for small children). The walking distance between the two properties is five minutes. There is a golf cart at the main house. The main house also has a pool.

There is a cleaning fee.

As of right now both properties combined are available from mid July through the end August.

If you wanted to add additional days that is possible through owner.

Let me know if you have other questions.

Mountain Mail: 11/27/18

Hi everyone,

How strange a break this has been from regular Mountain Mails. It is good to be back to a Tuesday with no drama.

I hope everyone still managed to have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you have now found your way back into a normal rhythm.

I do know we still have two of our immediate community that are displaced. Marcelle is staying at her inlaws and looking at options for the future. Eden’s mother’s house in Malibu is also badly smoke and ash damaged and they cannot return home. This has been way too long for anyone to stay in hotel - rockstars notwithstanding :) We wish both families godspeed for a positive conclusion.

It was such a pleasure to connect with so many of you at Parent Conferences. Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us. It is easy to see why they are so great when we get to sit down with you!

A special shout out to Deborah Ackrich who made a feast of feasts for the entire staff on the Tuesday of conferences. It was so deeply appreciated. Thank you!

Upcoming event

We know that there are many struggling in the aftermath of the fires and we wanted to do something where we could come together in an attitude of thanks and to find a way to help those less fortunate.

To that end we have decided to combine all our cancelled events into one. So please join - along with alumni families - for a TMS Harvest Festival, Community Hike, Mesa Picnic alternative!!!




TMS - Saturday December 8th - 11:30 - 2:30

Bring something to share and we’ll supply the plates, cups and utensils

Main dishes, desserts and drinks needed. Lets see if we can do this without a sign up. Simple and easy. We’ll throw in some music and games and enjoy each other’s company.

We also ask that you bring something to donate to a family in need. New or lightly used: a toy for Christmas or Hanukah, toiletries. clothes, shoes….

RSVP to appreciated.

Before we move into the coming week here are a few photographs from the last field trip before chaos ensued. TMS students enjoying the wonderful California African American Museum.

Coming Up - this week

Wednesday - Tomorrow

Back on the Mesa - business as usual!

Friday - Eagle Rock hike

Students will be starting their day at school so please drop off at the regular time (carpools as usual).

Mid morning we will be leaving for Topanga and taking a hike from Trippet Ranch to Eagle Rock. Students will need a packed lunch and water bottles, as well as appropriate footwear.

Pick up at end of day at either Trippet Ranch at 3:15pm or back at school at 3:30pm.

Coming Up - next week and beyond

Tuesday December 4th - Prospective Parent Orientation 9:30am

Please let me know if you are interested in attending and sharing your experience at TMS.

Wednesday December 19th - Art Show and Holiday Party

Canoga Park Youth Arts Center 6pm - 10pm Please mark your calendars. Our Annual art show and party is s wonderful opportunity to gather together and celebrate your children and the season!

Winter Break

Thursday December 20th - Wednesday January 2nd - school resume Thursday January 3rd

Other Happenings

Wednesday - Tomorrow 6pm - 9pm

Fusion Academy Woodland Hills has a screening of LIKE - a documentary about the impact of social media on our lives. Could be Illuminating! Check it out.

Mountain Mail: 11/6/18

Dear Friends,

The election is behind us - now the work begins! With love and consideration I am sure we will see positive movement; I am grateful for all those who make that hope possible.

This last week also saw good things happening at TMS! Last Friday our students visited the Marciano Center checking out art installations, on Sunday we had a lovely turn out at our second community hike, and on Tuesday students went to see The Hate U Give as a culmination of their reading. It is always good to see the counterpoint of book to movie adaptation - especially after you’ve finished the book!

Photos of all the happenings this week are below. BUT FIRST…


I am heading out of town again tomorrow (there will be no Director’s Tea on Thursday) but I will still be working away on our Harvest Festival.

There is much to do - and very little time. WE NEED YOU.

Thank you to all our wonderful generous sponsors and to those who have already signed up - but unfortunately there are huge swaths of jobs that need doing, and that no one has signed up for. Look for your sign up genius from Lori Mellman and add your name. Don’t get stuck with the worst jobs - everyone will need to do something!

The Harvest Festival is a great way for you to fulfill your required 20 hours of volunteerism before time is up at the end of this calendar year.


If you can’t make the event there are many other ways to support and volunteer. We thank you for recognizing what is needed for this little school to pull off these big happenings.

Fun things to whet you Harvest Festival appetite - just a taster - lots more fun

Our Musicians: Highway 27 Blues Band, East of Lincoln, and acoustic set by Selena Moon.

Salad in a jar, hair braiding, silk screens, button making, face painting

Pie Eating contest, Cake Walk

Lola Babalon, tarot readings

Children’s play area, and Watering Hole Cafe

Bouncy, slide and dunk tank…




These are fabulous gifts - huge thanks to Wendy Rissman and Shannon Meyers for their generosity. Look out for details coming in a separate email.

And finally,


Clothing Swap:

Our 8th grade run our clothing swap. It is a great way to clean out your wardrobe and maybe even find that perfect new item!

Clothes are displayed and anyone can take anything.

You can leave your items (clean and not torn) in bags by the back gate up to next Friday’s cut off date.

Nevada has designed and drawn this beautiful poster to inspire you to participate. Thank you Nevada!



Here are some photos from last week




Mountain Mail: 10/31/18

Happy Halloween!

It is hard to believe that just a week ago we were deep in the quiet and beauty of Montana de Oro, immersed in nature. The surrounding beaches, sand dunes, bays, hills and trails are all part of the magical moments that this trip never fails to deliver. Though it was a little colder than in past years, I think we all enjoyed the respite from the dry heat of Woodland Hills.

With out fail we come home from this trip particularly dirty! It does give the children fresh appreciation for the comforts of a shower, flushable toilets and of course their luxurious beds. I also hope it leaves a trail of restorative connection to the simpler, truer part of themselves. They really do play and imagine, create and discover.

Thank you for allowing us to spend such quality time with your children. It takes trust and belief in us and in the benefits of what we do here at TMS. You are trailblazers as parents - one day your children will really recognize that!!

Here are a few more pics of them this past week. I’m using this format now so that you can click on the photo for a full image

More news and information…

Thank you for signing up for the Parent Conferences and for our Harvest Festival.

PARENT CONFERENCES: There are still a few families who have not yet claimed a parent conference time. Please hit the link on last week’s MM to do so.

HARVEST FESTIVAL: Thanks to those of you who have taken on a coordinator responsibility! We will meet asap to get you rolling. We only have a couple of weeks to go and I have two vital jobs left to fill.

Raffle Coordinator - and - Vendor Booth Coordinator.

This coming week everyone will be asked to participate as signup genius for desserts, working the booths, helping with set up and take down, and a myriad of other jobs will be coming your way.

Coming up - this week

Friday Nov 2nd - Ai Weiwei Exhibit, Marciano Arts Center

Students will be once again discovering what great art Los Angeles has to offer. Kristine as organized a stellar tour of two different installations of some very important work.

Drop off and pick at school at regular times. Snack, packed lunch and suitable attire.

Sunday Nov 4th - TMS Community Hike, Malibu Creek State Park

Hope you can join us for this month’s hike. A more leisurely stroll in this beautiful setting. Meet at the farthest day parking lot of the main park entrance at 8:45am.

Coming up - Next week & NOVEMBER

Tuesday November 6th - VOTE ~ VOTE ~ VOTE

And find someone else who might not go to the polls to take with you. Leave no stone unturned. Check on your neighbors, ask your friends. Do this for your children and come by and give me a high five afterwards. Tuesday is ACTION & HOPE day. Who knows what Wednesday will bring.

Monday Nov 12th - NO SCHOOL Veteran’s Day

Friday 9th - California African American Museum

Tuesday 13th - 5K run 9:30am - Temescal State Beach

Want to run (or fast walk) too - or come and cheer them on? We will be down at Temescal beach for some cool ocean breeze. More info and morning drop off options later.

Tuesday 13th - Prospective Parent Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 pm

If you know anyone who would be a good fit for our program have them come and find out more! RSVP required.

Harvest Fest 2018.jpg

Sunday Nov 18th - HARVEST FESTIVAL,

Trust Ranch 11:30am - 4:30pm.

The most fun we have all year!


Dunk Andrew in the dunk tank, dance to some foot tapping live music, chow down on some great BBQ, drink Muddle and Wilde cocktails, show off your skills in the pie eating contest, make crafts, buy goodies, decorate a cupcake, and so much more!! Oh and watch me fall over in the three legged race - happens every time!

Monday 19th Wednesday 21st - Parent Conferences - NO SCHOOL

Thursday 22nd - Friday 23 - Thanksgiving Break

Happy Halloween!!!!


Dear Parents,

This special edition was coming live from Montana de Oro; past tense as I am now back in town! I returned yesterday with a couple of sick kids :( I am sure you are missing your children, but please know they are all having a fabulous time. On Tuesday we explored the sand dunes and walked along the beach. The children ran and played and made sand sculptures showing off their incredible creative spirit. Wednesday morning they climbed Mt Valencia why I took a break in town with those unable to make the hike. On Wednesday night we did a silent night hike to my favorite sand dune and circled under that glorious bright moon. Truly magical.

Your children will return looking incredibly dirty and worn so expect long showers and an appreciation for their beds this weekend!

Here are some photos of those first two days. More will follow as everyone arrives home and we can upload and add.


We have a couple of action items for you.

Please take the time to sign up for our Parent Conferences.

Also we need YOU to volunteer for our Harvest Festival. Check out the job descriptions and get on board to make this annual event a great success for yet another year. We only have three weeks to make this happen!!

Mountain Mail 10/16/18

Dear Parents,

This week we are prepping for our first full week of camping!

The outdoor program at TMS is at its best when we can truly take students away from the busy and connected world they live in for an extended time - away from cell phones and computers, away from the responsibilities of their schedules – and fully immerse them in nature. Sleeping under the stars, finding community around the campfire, playing and exploring different landscapes, all bring a grounding and authentic connection that heals and gives nutrients to their minds and bodies.

This upcoming trip to Montana de Oro has been a perennial favorite for many, many years. It is a beautiful place that I hope you can visit. It always brings me pleasure to see the students return with their families. I had a great text exchange this summer from last year’s graduated, Ilias, who was on the beach with his family, showing them the spot where the kids worked together to push a washed up boat up a sand dune. That collective enterprise the students engaged in last time we were there was a real reminder of why we do what we do. Collaboration, ingenuity, comradeship, and lots of laughter, make for the best experiences.

Friday’s visit to the Santa Barbara Museum of Contempory Art.

Big thank you to Kristine for organizing such an awesome experience!

This year, we are exploring the intersections between public and private art, while deeply discussing the relationship between fine art, graffiti, and activism. This past Friday TMS was lucky enough catch a viewing of Barry McGee's work on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santa Barbara. Barry's work feels familiar and oddly approachable. The exhibition featured collections of found artifacts, patterns and ephemera gathered throughout his travels and experiences. Barry is a collaborator and works hands on with other artists to curate his museum exhibitions.

The students spent the morning pondering his work with the assistance of the museum education interns at MCASB. During our visit we had the opportunity to interview the educational staff and experiment in the art lab. Thank you to the educators at @mcasantabarbara for their support as we explored the arts as a platform for activism, a means to connect, a place to ask questions. Kristine Lee - Art Coodinator

Coming up - this week

Friday 19th

Drop off and pick up at school as usual. Students will need a packed lunch.

Students will be on campus all day as they prep for camping.

Small “family” groups of 6 or so children come together for their camping experience. As a group they come up with a name as well as a song to sing round the campfire and a themed skit, which they will perform at the campground!

In their families they also have business to attend to. They need to prepare a menu for the week and build a shopping list, making sure it meets their budget and has all they need to make balanced meals that satisfy everyone’s palette. As a parent we know how hard that can be, but watching them make collective decisions is heartening and the personal investment in what they get to eat usually makes for successful meal times.

Each family also has a full camping set up which includes a tent and a fully equipped kitchen; before we go students must make sure their equipment is in full working order.

Finally, they will help pack up the cargo vans with all their collective items.  

Coming up – next week

Monday 22nd – Friday 26th - Camping, Montana de Oro

No carpool – all students should be dropped off at school at 7:30am.

On Monday morning students will bring all their personal gear and it will be packed in the vans at that time.

The drive to the campground takes around three hours.  We stop in San Luis Obispo where they shop at Trader Joe’s, as well as pack their food into ice coolers and containers.

Students must have snacks and a packed lunch with them. They will not be fed until dinner that evening at 6pm.  Students may not buy lunch at Trader Joe’s.

Hopefully next weeks MM will be live from Montana de Oro! Or at least the local coffee shop in Los Osos!!

Other things to know

While we are away….

Check out this evening at USC. Visions and Voices.

I actually reserved two seats…. is anyone is interested in taking them on?

Mountain Mail: 10/9/18

Dear Families,

I hope you are enjoying the subtle change of weather. I do believe fall is on its way!

I hear so much about the lack of seasons here in California, and true we are not experiencing masses of autumn leaves to stomp in or the need to huddle around a fire on a crisp cold morning, but over the years I have learned to appreciate the nuances of a Southern California fall. I am always fascinated by how my mind grabs at the small cues and dusting off my boots and shaking the mothballs out of my sweaters seems like the order of the day. It may not yet be time to wear those things but my perspective shifts and with it come thoughts of the holidays that define these coming months.

But first I need to return to this last week! Two great hikes made for a good work out….

Last Friday we hiked to the Nike Missile Site, which offered a look at a fascinating piece of history, along with beautiful views of LA. It was a hard day for me personally, the weight of the political climate left me feeling untethered and impotent, but the kids ability to work together and face any discomfort of a long tiring hike, was a good antidote of hope.

Our first ever TMS Community Hike on Sunday was a real delight. What a pleasure to see current families, and alumni students and parents, coming together to enjoy the beauty of Topanga State Park as well as a community of like minded people.

Next month Community Hike is Sunday November 4th @ Malibu Creek Sate Park - hope you can join us!

Here at school it is time to prepare for our fall activities and holiday celebrations.  Our traditional line up is in place with camping in the Central Coast, Halloween magic, Harvest Festival fun, Parent Conferences and then of course the opportunity to reflect and give thanks as we spend time with friends and family for Thanksgiving.  And that is all before we get to December!!

 Coming up - this week

Thursday 11th - Director’s Tea 2pm - Room 10

Refreshment and conversation. Hope you can join us - please RSVP.

Friday 12th – Museum of Contemporary Art - Santa Barbara

This week’s field trip will take us to SB for an awesome interactive art experience.

Drop off and pick up at school at normal times. Carpools as usual. Appropriate attire, snacks, packed lunch and full water bottles.


Coming up next week - and beyond 

Friday 19th - Camping Prep - remaining on campus.

Monday October 22 – Friday 24th - Camping Montana de Oro.

So excited to be off on our first full camping trip to one of our favorite spots! For those of you at Back to School Night I hope you picked up your camping package. For those of you who didn’t make it, a package was sent home with your child today. Everything you need to know as a parent is there, including a packing list and a release for you to sign and return.

Monday November 12th - Veteran’s Day - NO SCHOOL

Sunday November 18th - Annual Harvest Festival - Trust Ranch 11:30 - 4:30

This year we are moving our Harvest Festival to the Sunday. This fun filled family event is well loved by the community. Invite your friends and family to enjoy: live music, delicious barbecue, full bar, races, games, pie eating contest, craft booths, and local vendors.

We need all hands on deck to pull off this day - we are grateful to all our current families for their hard work, but also to our many alumni families who still return year after year to help make this happen. Information, volunteer and sponsorship opportunities will be coming your way soon.

PMonday 19th - Friday 23rd - NO SCHOOL- Parent Conferences & Thanksgiving -

Monday 19th — Wednesday 21st. Parent Conferences.

Thank you to those at BTSN for signing up for your spot. For the of you you did not yet do so, a sign up will be sent in a separate email so that everyone can find a time to meet.

Other things to share

Here’s more info

Here’s more info

A suggestion from Max’s dad…..

Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 11.37.05 AM.png

Mountain Mail: 10/2/18

Dear Families,

This last week life showed itself in its full complexity, with the legal system taking the spotlight in both my personal and the public arena. On a personal note, I appreciated the opportunity to spend critical time with my own family as we navigated this largely unknown territory. In the public arena I am saddened and scared for our country as we seem to plunge deeper into dark times, the guiding light of compassion and integrity growing dim. It reminded me that it is more vital than ever that we model and uphold values for our children to see clearly the importance of human decency. 

IMG_2008 (1).jpg

This last week was also a reminder of “why TMS?” It is rare for me to be exposed to the public school system up close, but I had ample opportunity to experience it in action as I watched my own granddaughter navigate 1st grade.  Acknowledging that not all schools are created equal, it was still apparent that students are been fed a diet of conformity, boredom and a lethal dose of teaching only to pass standardized testing. To watch a 6 year old suffer from anxiety and fear from not meeting some perceived norm, not playing, imagining, creating, and instead bubbling over and over on worksheet after worksheet, was soul destroying. (Needless to say we checked out the local Waldorf and we await the outcome!)  

I have always felt that in elementary school there must be some modicum of holding a sacred space for our children to grow, to be just that, little children. But I am convinced more than ever that a system where compliance is valued over curiosity and originality, is truly broken. TMS is an antidote, a healthy dose of loving, caring, nurturing for the mind, body and soul; this is the kind of shot I can get behind every child having!

As we move into another busy week here at school, I hope you can join me in a moment of gratitude that we have the resources and options not afforded to so many to do all the things we do.

Last week - overnight at Thornhill Broom.

Students had their first taste of camping this year - and they had a blast! I am sorry I missed the fun, but thankful for such an amazing staff that work so hard to make everything happen.

It is always hard for parents to send their children off and not to be part of the experience, hopefully some photos will bridge the gap!

Coming up - this week

Wednesday - tomorrow on the mesa

This week we are expecting rain! I am so excited!! But it does mean we need to be on our toes as we approach all our outside programs. As it presently stands the rain is light in the morning and so we will be on the mesa as usual. Please make sure your child has a rain jacket and good shoes tomorrow. We will be back on campus in the afternoon and able to stay dry as the rain picks up. Drop off, pick up, carpool and everything else as per last week.

Thursday - Back to School Night

Refreshment from 6:30pm. Program starts at 7:00pm

Please join us for this informative evening where you get to spend time with each teacher and find out what is happening in the classroom.

This is a parent only event, though as always, if it is difficult for you to attend because of child care, please let us know so we can help.

Friday Hike - Nike Missile Site, Reseda.

Greek gods and goddess scavenger hunt! Please make sure students have full water bottles, snack and packed lunch. Good walking shoes a must.

Drop off and pick up at school, normal times. Carpools as usual.

Sunday 7th Community Hike - Trippet Ranch to Eagle Rock

Meet at Topanga State Park, Trippet Ranch parking lot @ 8:45am. Hike at 9:00am


This is a wonderful opportunity for all our past and present families and friends to join us.

Casual and fun. Come one, come all.

These hikes will happen monthly. Stay tuned for locations and times!

Coming up - next week / October

Tuesday 9th - Study Hall starts - every Tuesday after school from 3:45pm - 5:00pm. Students may stay to get their homework done and to get help as needed.

Thursday 11th - Director’s Tea. 2pm in Room 10. Come for refreshment, community and info!

Monday 22nd - 26th - Camping Montana de Oro

Other things to share


One of my favorite books of this year. It is powerful and thought provoking and seems even more relevant as each day passes. Check it out — make sure you read all the way to the end!

Check out this video Liz shared with me - another reminder of “why TMS?”


Mountain Mail: 9/18/18

Dear Families,

The school year is now truly underway. Students are following their schedules and diving into their academic classes. The energy has shifted from the more collective team building and exploring of the new school year that dominated last week, into a purposeful and focused rhythm.

Now is the time to start asking to see your child’s homework planner and to check in with them about their classes. Your child has their schedule in their binder and this will give you a sense of what to expect when. Things to take note of:

What day does your child have “sports”? Make sure they are wearing the right gear, or have it with them, so they can fully participate.

Once a week classes like Geography and Spanish often need an extra reminder to bring in homework etc.

Remember our schedule only has Monday, Tuesday and Thursday on it. The Wednesday “Mind and Body” schedule which will start on the 26th will be on next week’s MM.

Keep reading there is a lots to cover… but first, here are a few photos of our first full week!

GRATITUDE - a great thing to start and end every day with! Thanks to Steve Ackrich who stealthily came in while we were out hiking on Friday and made our wood patio table look like new!!


Our LUNCH program is underway and Deborah Ackrich provided us with a wonderful repast today. Deborah will cook for us every Tuesday.

The parent provided lunch has now changed to Thursday. Look for a sign up genius from Lori Mellman - thank you Lori for taking this on. Please sign up for your date of choice. If you signed up at Parent Orientation you will need to add your name again and confirm that Thursday works for you.

Follow Up on Kid's’ Brains and Screens

Last night Liz and I attended the talk at New Roads School. We were disappointed in the evening, the speakers were not particularly engaging nor shared any information that we did not already know. As always what we did hear confirmed that we have it right at TMS. However, I do think the conversation about smartphones, games and all things related is a very necessary dialog for the well being of our children and one that we should engage in together. There will be a lot more on this subject in weeks to come.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

There are still some key jobs that we need your help with. Now you have settled down into the school year are you ready to volunteer? We really need to fill our Hospitality as well as a Harvest Festival Chair spots. Maybe call a friend and sign up together. We need you!!

This is also the time when we pick up steam and there is lots of information to share.

Coming up - this week

Wednesday - Tomorrow

NO SCHOOL - Yom Kippur

Thursday - Director’s Tea #1 @ 2pm Room 10

We all the happenings at the beginning of school it seemed logical to move this month’s tea to this week. Please join me (RSVP requested) for a simple get together: afternoon tea, coffee and light refreshment will be served. We can come up with subjects we would like to cover over the year, think of speakers we would like to engage, and generally get up to date on life in school and at home. Subjects already on the table to cover - diet and technology. Parenting isn’t always easy - but it helps when we do it together!!

Friday field trip - The Getty

Drop off and pick up at school. 8:15am and 3:30pm respectively. Please make sure your child has a full water bottle, healthy snacks and packed lunch.

Coming up - next week

I will be out of town from Saturday through Wednesday. I will still be answering emails but school will be in the capable hands of our amazing staff. Please turn to Liz for anything pressing.

Thursday 27 - Friday 28 Camping at Thornhill Broom.

We are so looking forward to our first overnight adventure with this stellar bunch of kids! Look for the email later this week with all the camping information. There will be papers to sign, a packing list and all your questions answered.

Mark your calendars for these October dates

Thursday October 4th @ 7pm - Back to School Night

Sunday October 7th @ 9am - 1st TMS Community Hike - Topanga State Park. Stayed tuned for details!

Thursday October 11th 2pm - Director’s Tea #2 Room 10

Tuesday October 16th - Prospective Parent Orientation 9:30am - Room 10

Monday 22nd - Friday 26 - Camping Montana de Oro

Mountain Mail: 9/11/18

Hi Everyone,

Last week we had a wonderful start to the school year. The group quickly bonded and found their stride. It feels like they’ve always been together!

Wednesday was spent on campus finding out fun facts about the staff, as well as mapping where we all live and important places in our everyday lives. Thursday took us out and about in a scavenger hunt of Woodland Hills and Topanga checking out those places, and Friday we hit the town, traveling on the Metro, exploring downtown Los Angeles and experiencing the city we live in.


Now we are back on campus and settling into routines.


We had a wonderful lunch provided for us today by our first parent chef! Thank you for a delicious and wholesome meal, Shannon Meyers (Eden’s mom).


Students supplies were also requested for today. Many students did not bring in the items on the list. Please make sure you have all your supplies at school asap. We all use them, we all share them, and it is important for everyone to contribute to the whole. This collective and community approach is at the core of TMS, please make sure you have contributed fully.

TMS Required Supply List 2018-19

Please bring the following to school on Tuesday September 11th (not before).

1- 2” Three Ring Binder2- Pack 5 Tab Dividers
1 – (5) Pack Black or Blue Report Covers
1- Pack College Ruled Paper
1- Basic Calculator
1- Pencil Case (for Three Ring Binder if desired)
2- Boxes of #2 pencils or mechanical pencils
2- Box of Colored Markers / Colored Pencils
1 -Pack assorted highlighters
3- Erasers
1– 12” Ruler
1 Sketchbook (minimum 50 pages, minimum dimension 6”x 8”) – NEW STUDENTS ONLY


Tomorrow - Wednesday

A day in the classroom.. TMS tenets, technology use, mentor & mentee luncheon: bring your own packed lunch. And much more!


More time on campus. Intro to classes, Spanish, math placement, intro to council. Hot lunch: Thai take out!

Friday- SolsticE Canyon.

Students will hike in beautiful Solstice Canyon. 8th grade lay a Scavenger hunt for 6th & 7th graders as we head out on our first hike of the school year.

Packed lunch, snacks, 2 full water bottles, sunscreen, and appropriate footwear is a must.

Start the day at either School at 8:15am or Pine Tree Circle at 8:45am.

Pick up at end of day Pine Tree Circle 3:15pm or at School at 3:30pm.

Happenings in our community

I wanted to share with you a couple of events that may be of interest to you or your children.


On Monday 17th I am attending a talk at New Roads school hosted by Paula Poundstone titled Kids’ Brains and Screens.

The more we know, the better equipped we are to guide. Here is the link if anyone is interested in joining me.



Our local TYS is once again hosting a talent show. TMS students have had a lot of fun with this in the past. And thankfully now we won’t be camping for show date!

Mountain Mail: 9/3/18

Dear Families, 

I hope you all had a wonderfully relaxing weekend and didn't do anything that even vaguely resembled labor!!  

Before we know it Wednesday will be upon us and this school year will start in earnest. If last week is anything to go by I am sure we are going to have loads of fun and lots of great times. Your children came together so seamlessly at beach day, it was really a delight!



I am so glad many of you got an opportunity to get to know each other at Ann and Vince's home. Thank you to that lovely pair for their generosity and graciousness. And added thanks to Deborah Ackrich for leading the fun and games! 

Thanks are also in order to all of you for your patience  on Thursday evening; it is a long winded affair but hopefully many of your questions were answered - and maybe some new ones were generated. Remember, we are always available, don't be afraid to ask if you need any clarifications.

Gratitude is definitely in order for the hardworking crew that showed up ready and willing to get things done on Friday. You really made a difference. Many, many thanks! 

Now lets get to the moment we've all been waiting for, the first week of school!


Please enter school by the gate on Oxnard Street. This is our main entrance for drop off and pick up. The gate on Shoup is locked when school is in session. 

The Oxnard gate will open at 8:00am. 

Circle begins on the patio at 8:15am.

Liz and I will set up a booth by the parking lot and be available to collect forms and answer questions between 8:00 - 8:15am.  

Please remember - bring all completed forms with you that morning. We need to compile emergency packets before we take your child out and about on Thursday.

Students should not bring any of their school supplies until Tuesday 11th. 


Topanga: Andrew will start carpool Wednesday. Meet at Pine Tree Circle outside Waterlily, carpool departs at 7:50am with a stop at Santa Maria road at 7:55am. Many of you may prefer to take your child to the first day - and that is fine. We will formalize, collect payments and confirm spots later. You won't lose your spot if you don't use it on this first day. 

Valley: Katie will not run carpool this Wednesday but will start on Thursday. She will be writing to those interested to define pick up locations and times. 

Lunch Program

We will NOT be serving a hot lunch for these first three days of school. Please make sure your child brings a good lunch from home, snacks and their full water bottle.

Lunch program will begin  on Tuesday 11th and lunch cards can be purchased from the office:     10 meals = $100.  Cards will be kept at school and punched as used. 

First Three Days

These first three days of school are spent getting to know each other and our environment. This is an important time as we set the tone for the school year and get the children comfortable with each other, their teachers and our program. 


We will be on campus all day. Scavenger hunt, map making, teacher interviews and portraits and lots of other good fun! Pick up at 3:30pm.


We will be exploring some of our often frequented haunts in Topanga and Woodland Hills.  We will end our day at Warner Ranch Park, Woodland Hills at the corner of Califa and Owensmouth. Califa runs between Topanga Canyon Blvd and Canoga. Owensmouth runs parallel and between them. 

Please pick your child up at Warner Ranch Park at 3:30pm.  

Students will purchase their TAP cards ready to ride the Metro the next day, If your child has one have them bring it with them. Each student needs $5 so that they can load their card.


We head out to experience the delights of LA's public transport system and explore downtown LA. 

Drop off is early at Warner Ranch Park at 8:00am (Thursday is a good trial run!) We take the Metro from the transit center on Owensmouth. The early start is necessary in order to make our connections in time. 

Students may bring money (max $20) to buy lunch - or they can bring their own packed lunch. They will not be allowed to spend money on anything other than lunch.

Pick up is at Warner Ranch Park at 4:00pm. (Extend time is needed in order to make our day). 

Please make sure your child has a full water bottle, good footwear, light weight clothing, sunscreen/hat etc. 

Peace ~ Joy






Topanga Mountain School  |  5920 Shoup Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367  |  818.346.8355